Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Calories For One Pound Of Beef Tips

Los Reyes Magicos

The holy Three Kings in Spain have a much greater significance than in Germany. The children receive their gifts on Epiphany (when they were good, if not there is a piece of coal) and there are big parades in the cities.

Send to Barcelona, \u200b\u200bthe three kings at the port of their ship. There, they receive the name of the children and make a little speech.

Then it goes in a big train through the city, where they eject sweets. Thousands of people are on edge and cheer them. Comparable to this move with a big parade here in Germany - only high class.

So if a Barcelona Travel plans, it pays to be here, the move is it really worth it to Epiphany.

your trip, you can easily book here, including air, hotel and city tour.


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