Friday, February 25, 2011

Port Royale 2 Patch Lingua Italiana

day trips by VDK

per Post kam heute die Einladung des VdK zur Tagesfahrt mit dem Bus nach München.
Weitere Auskünfte und Anmeldungen bei:

VKK social association, local chapter Selb
Mr Tony Long, Local Chairman
In meadow 5, Erkersreuth
Phone 09287/1064 Fax 09287/760519

toni.lang inde-@

I quote further:
" On this occasion I wish to express our willingness to work with all DIY senior clubs expressed.
we invite you but even a!

in time in this sense a great weekend


Thursday, February 24, 2011

How To Remove Write Protection From Mp3

program for March and further advance notices

! ! before start of the month for March is the program to print out!

At a special program to the end of the month would ich noch hinweisen: DerBesuch bei Lang Bräu. Anmeldungen sind dringend erforderlich, da es eine ausgezeichnete Brotzeit gibt und die in entsprechender Zahl vorbestellt werden muss.

Außerdem noch ein paar Ankündigungen!

Vom 26. - 29. April findet die Fahrt nach Krakau statt. Diesmal wird es eine eher kleine Fahrt ohne großes Rahmenprogramm. Wer mitmöchte, sollte sich schnell bei der vhs melden. Mitfahren kann auch, wer schon mal dabei war!!!

Am 29 April können wir um 19:30 h die Frankenpost in Hof besuchen. Herr Pruchnow hat sich dafür eingesetzt und den Termin möglich gemacht. Wir erleben eine Führung through the house and see how the print line starts. An evening that is worth it!
Applications should be!

trip to Berlin at the invitation
Mrs Scharfenberg, we are of 19 - 10/21/2011 visit to Berlin. The Bundestag, Berlin Tour and more. is on the agenda. Application forms are at the vhs Selb

Friday, February 18, 2011

Brazillian Wax Thunder Bay

Selb play and café connection with plays!

In the oasis there is a lively bustle. At some tables already seated students and eager to play. After a cup of coffee and a piece of cake, a lollipop is also included, we sit at the table. Two girls explain us the Germany game. Together, we are now all over Germany to reach the road to our destination. The other group enjoys himself, assisted by other students at a card game
All too soon the afternoon passes in a relaxed atmosphere here in the Student Café Oasis.
Heidi cancer

Matlab 2006b Java Version

visit to the student center Selb

bar with a connection to visit Schülercafè OASIS.
It was an entertaining game afternoon.
A. Sch.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

How Long Do Solar Powered Flashlights Last?


To Mr. Hoera!
Visitors to the Internet Cafe connection wish you all the love, all the best and good health to your

Thank you for your understanding, for your kindness, your willingness to teach us in the new media.
We look forward to many informative hours with you!