Thursday, September 30, 2010

Calories In Ceasar Salad

Hochstadt - SpVgg Effeltrich 4:5 (2:3)

a turbulent 250 spectators watched the big game in Höchstadt. The considerable playing ASV brought by hair-raising defense behavior ein ums andere Mal um den Lohn. Die Gäste schalteten nach jeder Balleroberung blitzschnell um und überrannten den ASV förmlich. Die Chancenverwertung ließ dabei keine Wünsche offen, bereits nach 17 Minuten lagen sie nach Toren von Hannes Messingschlager (2.) und Florian Erner 2:0 in Führung. Symptomatisch für das Spiel war die 31. Minute, als Ramicevic alleine vor dem Tor scheiterte und Christian Kosel den direkten Gegenzug zum 3:0 vollendete. Die Moral konnte man dem ASV aber nicht absprechen. Durch Tore von Roberto Preuß (37./48.) und Spielertrainer Marcus Fleischer (43./Elfmeter) kamen sie zum Ausgleich. Auch auf die erneute Führung durch Kosel (55.) fanden sie in Person von Gerald Schuster (65). eine Antwort. The gateway to 5:4 by Sascha Kaufmann of ASV had nothing but oppose everything. (Source:

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Glory Holes In Olando Fl

Take 5 - Leadership on Sunday morning by the old Pinakothek

Sunday morning it was
again feast for little money. Imke Boesch led by the Alte Pinakothek. The series of guides that Sunday begins tomorrow at 11 clock is TAKE FIVE, takes a three-quarters of an hour and is expensive include admission. Very different pictures were part of the guide. Some interesting references to other pictures on the way through the rooms made the morning feel like the experience of art did the museum visit again.

under $ 1
Rogier van der WeidenDie Lamentation

Picture No. 2
Dürer (that) Sebstbildnis

Bild Nr. 3
Sandro Botichelli
Die Beweinung Christi

Bild Nr. 4
Peter Paul Rubens
Darstellung einer Liebesbeziehung (Schäferehepaar)

Bild Nr. 5
Marquiz de Pompardour

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Friday, September 17, 2010

Acrostic Poem For Preu

In "Cölner in clause"

Kein weg ist umsonst...
recently I visited the winery in road damage Bingen, as there should be a free legal advice to the Labour Law. The Amtsgerricht I could not give the correct address, but I have discovered the local pubs. My lawyer in Cologne was not asked by getting the money saved can now be tasted
;-) So I've done today after work, the bending and my GPhone has led me wonderfully, thanks to Google Maps here.

Reisdorf Kolsch is delicious and it is unquestioned made a fresh Kolsch new on the cover. Very nice, let's see if the Gauda on the cock of medieval Halwest beautiful. Shortly they

I would like to Prinz Poldi sweep here, to see the place.

Nee nee Marie is non dat nice ...
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Thursday, September 16, 2010

Wendy Calio En Ropa Interior

Willkommen im Herbst

Der Sommer, so er denn einer war, scheint over. Outside it is uncomfortable, it darkens again soon and the heating in individual cases does so again well.

What is noticeable but not that summer is over? True, the school has begun. And why should it be different for us than for the children? Even our best-ager meeting has opened its doors again. Despite missing some program Dauntless forays have here on Tuesday for a first cup of coffee. Next week it goes back really begins. Some ideas have already been collected.

"Every one of the group" is the motto this fall that calls you to get to even think about what everyone especially gut kann oder als besonderes Angebot in die Gruppe einbringen kann. Egal, ob es eine Diashow ist, eine ausführliche Anleitung selbstgestrickter Socken oder die Kunst, stilvoll Geschenke einzupacken - jeder hat irgendwo und irgendwie ein besonderes Talent, welches es zu entdecken gibt. Und wir fangen gleich nächste Woche damit an.

Am Dienstag, 21. September zeigt uns Peter Wunderlich die besondere Kunst des Jonglierens. Mitmachen ist dabei angesagt. Leichte Seidentüchern, kleinen Bällen oder Ringen, wer was in die Luft wirft, entscheidet jeder selbst.

Am Donnerstag, 23. September kommt Claudia Lehmann zu Besuch - unsere Turnlehrerin. Übungen für alle Tage zur Stärkung von Body and joints, as training for balance and not least the promotion of mental activity - a must for all who go to Paris. For the stay at home but not a reason to stay away so.
Please bring a towel.

On Tuesday 28 September devote we finally back to a computer issue. Working with Word - Create columns and create a layout of the times could be as a cookbook.

That leaves Thursday, the 30th September for this month left. We should continue to work finally back on the CeWe photo book!
Until then, I am sufficiently incorporated and we can go back to solid.

I hope that a satisfactory residual program created for this month.

Two dates for October, I've also been to Note: On 10/26
finds a guide (part 2) held by the Häuselloher Moor with Mr Popp and at 28.10. We visit at the invitation of Mr. Liebl the high-voltage house itself.

I look forward to a busy and exciting fall and am curious what will be of great ideas brought to my attention again.

M. Hermannsdörfer

Impressions from the Fichtelgebirge

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Mares Avanti Quattro Snorkel

OpenArt Tour Part 3 ~ Galerie Tanit

Galerie Tanit - Zena El Khalil
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Kicker Zx1000.1 1 Ohm Stable

OpenArt tour Maximilianstrasse Part 2

visit to the gallery Gundrun Spielvogel - Jean Mauboulès
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Pimple Spot Treatment Egg

Open Art Tour

Biedermann Gallery - John turning
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Saturday, September 11, 2010

How To Tell If My Ap 2 Irons Are Fakees

In the Club

Night 3 during the Open Art
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