Tuesday, November 30, 2010

I Love Wearing Womans Girdles

program for December 2010

time has come, the last month of the year has arrived and with it another Christmas party is on the agenda. Also this year I thought me something that is different from "normal" Christmas celebrations. But let us surprise you.

Here the first appointments to the vacation

Thursday, 12/02/2010
Wikipedia and Wikileaks - two concepts that appear repeatedly in the media. Currently in the news every talks about Wikileaks and the spectacular revelations. But what's behind it?
Jochaim Höra erklärt beide Angebote und zeigt, wie man selbst im Online-Lexikon Wikipedia Wissen weitergeben kann.

Dienstag, 7.12.2010
Betriebsbesichtigung bei vishay in Selb
>>>>> Treffpunkt 12:30 Uhr an der vhs Selb <<<<<
Die Führung beginnt um 13 Uhr in der Firma. Anschließend ab etwa 15 Uhr Kaffee und Kuchen in der vhs.

Donnerstag, 9.12.2010
Gimp -Gimp-Gimp und kein Ende - jetzt aber doch. Zu guter Letzt zeigt Herr Höra noch, wie man retuschierte und (fast) perfekte Fotos auf CD brennt. Wer es selbst ausprobieren will, soll eine CD und Fotos zum Brennen mitbringen.

Tuesday, 12/14/2010
Christmas party with a difference
Please bring cookies, etc., and especially good mood. We celebrate open end!

Thursday, 12/16/2010
end the year with a comfortable sitting together and a little pause in the staden time.

From 20 December 2010 to 07 January 2011 closed the café.

The team of vhs Selb wishes everyone a Merry Christmas and a happy new year. We look forward to in the new year with exciting and diverse opportunities for you to be there.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Autoimmune Problems In Cats

DJK Willersdorf - SpVgg Effeltrich 2:1 (2:0)

In the circular class 2, there was again a change of leadership because the leaders SpVgg Effeltrich lost in Willersdorf. advanced to first place on the basis of better goal difference is again the SpVgg Hausen, who played in the Big game against Heroldsbach 1:1. The seventh consecutive victory achieved by the Willendorf. In this big game the home side were superior in the first 30 minutes. Already in the 3rd Min achieved after Weber Cross from Lunz to head the ball 1-0. In the 24th Florian Seeberger min increased after good work from Christian Seeberger 2-0. Effeltrich became stronger after half an hour and was unlucky with a post and shot against the bar. In the second half, the game was competitive, with Effeltrich made a lot of pressure and 74 in the Minutes through a 16-m-low shot from Kosel came to the first goal. The Willersdorf defense was in the final phase is very secure. A minute ago, it was made by DJKler a second yellow card of the place.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Ict Specialist !!!!!!!!raf 1st Test Help!!!!!!!?

A cafe celebrates birthday

Es ist Donnerstag, kurz vor 14 Uhr. In der vhs Selb tut sich etwas. Es ist fast wie auf einem internationalen Flughafen – fast im Minutentakt treffen neue Gäste ein. Und alle haben das gleiche Ziel – das Café mit Anschluss.

Die Volkshochschule Selb hatte zur Geburtstagsfeier geladen. Drei Jahren ist es jetzt her, dass das Café mit Anschluss, eine Angebot der besonderen Art vor allem für Ältere, seine Pforten has opened. Today is more successful than ever before. Twice a week it is open on Tuesdays and Thursdays, it provides visitors with social connection, but also varied diet for lifelong learning. And as varied can also be read monthly program: from the computer through the mobile phone, digital camera or the navigation system is all on the table that interested. In between, consumer affairs and health services. All this over a good cup of coffee and a piece of cake. Organized

is the café volunteers up by the visitors themselves, the vhs the premises and the PC's that helps in the search for suitable speakers and coordinates the international connections. Cafe-goer is coffee and cake and make the afternoon meeting. And so it comes as it had to: The cafe connection we mix together a similar social liveliness and thus offer the most lively cup of coffee they drink in Selb at all.

First photographic impressions with a special thanks to Mr. Bock

Monday, November 15, 2010

Womens Nipple Pirceings

DJK-SpVgg Effeltrich - DJK Eggolsheim 3:0 (2:0) FC

The leader SpVgg Effeltrich defended by a 3-0 victory over the DJK Eggolsheim the leadership position in the football circuit Class 2 Erlangen / Pegnitz reason. Behind liegt die SpVgg Hausen, die das schwere Auswärtsspiel in Möhrendorf mit 2:0 für sich entschied.
Beide Teams konnten sich etwas absetzen, denn im Verfolgerduell zwischen dem ASV Höchstadt und dem TSV Vestenbergsgreuth gab es ein Unentschieden. Neuer Tabellendritter ist die SpVgg Heroldsbach/Thurn, die bei der SpVgg Zeckern zu einem 4:3-Erfolg kam. Auf den sechsten Platz vorgerückt ist die DJK Willersdorf mit dem 2:1-Sieg beim FC Burk II.
In der unteren Tabellenregion gab es zwischen Bubenreuth und Kersbach ein Unentschieden, wodurch die Bubenreuther den Abstiegsplatz verlassen konnten. Auf diesem stehen nun die Eggolsheimer und abgeschlagen der FC Burk II sowie der TKV Forchheim, dessen Spiel gegen Wimmelbach wegen Platzsperrung abgesagt had been.

was emphasized in the battle role of leader in the 35th Minutes after a corner kick with a goal by Stone in the lead. In the 44th Min turned brass hit a penalty kick in the 2-0 break state. Five minutes from time set forth Straub for a counter to the 3-0 final score. One player from both teams was completed by second yellow card of the place. (Source: infranken.de)

Monday, November 8, 2010

Cozumel Vs Aruba Honeymoon

program for November

bit late, but it is full of interesting themes at last the program for November set. The good news was conveyed at this point for all fans of the computer: Mr. Hoera is on the mend and is supporting us already this month available.

But here now the subject of the Month:

Tuesday, 11/09/2010
What I've always wanted to ask!
question time around the computer. Why what does not, how does what or what tips for making better there. These and more questions I try to answer - completeness excluded.

Michaela Hermannsdörfer

Thursday, 11/11/2010

it does not already know, by now informed: Our cafe has existed for 3 years now more successful than ever! A thank you at this point in advance to all visitors who actually make their presence with that here "the most vital cup of coffee in the world" is.

free cake and coffee with hopefully many visitors, a review of three successful years and an outlook on the future.

Tuesday, 16/11/2010
The digital camera - not a closed book
Mr. Hoera explained in simple terms, what settings you can do with a camera, pay attention to what you have to get pretty pictures. It is not expensive Ausrüstung notwendig, eher sind die einfachen handlichen Modelle gefragt.
Anschließend zeigt Herr Höra noch, wie die Fotos von der Kamera in den PC kommen (Direktanschluss oder Card-Reader), erklärt die Archivierung und klärt, wie sinnvoll es ist, Fotos zum Drucken ins "Labor" zu schicken.

Donnerstag, 18.11.2010
Sicher durch Herbst und Winter!
Welche Gefahren lauern auf den Strassen in der kalten und dunklen Jahreszeit? Und wie kann man sich mit einfachen Mitteln schützen und vorbeugen? Diese und mehr Fragen beantwortet heute

Gerhard Bock

Dienstag, 23.11.2010
GIMP, Teil 1
Weiter gehts mit der Bildbearbeitung. Nachdem letzte Woche die Fotos aus der Kamera in den PC gewandert sind, erfolgt heute Teil 1 der Bildbearbeitung mit dem kostenlosen Programm GIMP. Professionell informiert von

Joachim Höra

Donnerstag, 25.11.2010
Fitness-Treff im Café
Die Fitness, die in Paris zur Schau gestellt wurde, muss natürlich trainiert werden, damit sie sich hält. Bekannte und neue Übungen deshalb ab 15 Uhr mit

Claudi Lehmann

Dienstag, 30.11.2010
GIMP, Teil 2
Bevor die Bilder endgültig gedruckt, auf CD archiviert oder per e-mail verschickt werden, muss ein letztes Mal Hand angelegt werden. Was für identification of the project is key, says Joachim


Romantic Muscle Dinner

Burk II - DJK-SpVgg Effeltrich 2:5 ( 1:3)

against the new leader of the district reserve league had a good start: In the 2 Min Benning brought the Burke with a 18-meter shot into the lead. Guests strong enough then half an hour to bring about the change. Kosel was with a curled shot in the 22nd Min at 1-1 and successfully Effeltrich brought in the 28th Minutes by headed goal lead. Again headed goal scored by Hale in the 45th Minutes, the 1:3. After the break, Meier increased in the 58th Min to 1:4. Erner scored in the 75th Minutes, the 1:5. scored for the hosts in the 83rd Min judge for the second time (Source: infranken.de)